About us

Since our inception 25 years ago until now, We have tried to set a benchmark in the field of sound systems by providing quality product and excellent services to our customers. We are specialized in sound systems and stage lights. From our smallest yet amazing clarity microphones to the big sound-blasting speakers and heavy boxes as well as the dazzling stage lights, we have various items that provide clear, natural sound for an enthralling experience. Concerts. Schools. Auditoriums. Cathedrals. Mosques. Outdoor Spaces. Hotels. For every place, for every occasion, we provide an audio solution that will delight you and make your experience a memorable one. We provide Power Amplifiers, Mixers, Speakers, Microphones, Sound Box, etc etc etc. All sound solution that you need. So, just walk into our shop for a rich sound high quality unforgettable audio experience.

Our Motive


Through our continuous creative innovation we aim to excite, inspire, and entertain; investing in the passions of the music entertainment community.


Satge Pro aims to be the No1 company in creating music entertainment culture by understanding customer and employee needs.

Competitive Pricing

Our goal is to provide you with the best value on the equipment you purchase from us. While we would love to offer you the convenience of comparison shopping, our sale prices are usually much lower than what we are permitted to publish.


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